Our Causes

For 2024, we're doubling the 💗 and spreading it around! Every bag of Sure Bet Coffee and every merchandise item sold is now matched by a one-dollar donation ($1) to non-profit organizations benefitting retired racehorses. Click any of the links or logos below to learn more about these wonderful missions and their incredible work! Here's how the dollars get split among them:

A $.50 donation to the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance




A $.25 donation to Old Friends Farm

Old Friends Farm, a equine sanctuary for retired racehorses


A $.25 donation to The Bridge Sanctuary

The Bridge Sanctuary, providing care to horses in need.

These organizations of caring, hard-working people provide a way for us to protect and support the beautiful, deserving animals who give so much joy to us!

**Our selection of the year's charitable recipients do not reflect any affiliation with or any endorsement by their representatives or organizations. We just appreciate their efforts!